

3 Ways to Break Out of a Rut on Your Fitness Journey

3 Ways to Break Out of a Rut on Your Fitness Journey

Ruts are normal, but they don’t have to stick. You can break free, and it often doesn’t take much to get started! Let’s take a look at 3 of the best ways to do it...

1. Revisit your roots

We all forget why we started sometimes — it’s normal. It’s even healthy — when we look back on the beginning of the journey, we realize how far we’ve come and whether we’re still aligned with our intentions. Ask how your goals and priorities have changed, and get super clear on what drives them. Then you can look at your current trajectory and see where you’ve been consistent (and where you haven’t). This makes it much simpler to find your motivation again and press forward with more excitement and energy than you’ve had in ages!

2. Shake up your routine

Sometimes we just need a good refresh. Try some new exercises that still support your goals. Exercise at a different time of day, or change up your weekly workout schedule. Master some new recipes. Or if you’ve been trying to do too much, rely on a few more store-bought healthy food options. This doesn’t have to be complicated — sometimes too much consistency can lead to stagnation. We don’t always need to push through or step back completely... Sometimes you’re doing the right stuff, but you just need to spice it up enough to keep it interesting. Small tweaks often work wonders for motivation!

3. Re-calculate your macros

A rut in your journey can also be a sign that you’ve kept the same macros for too long. It might be time to eat more and build some additional muscle — or go into a cut if your body composition is stable and you want to lose more fat. This takes some experience and intuition to do correctly, but you’d be amazed how many common issues are fixable through simple tweaks to your food! The most important thing is getting enough protein for your goals; if you do decide to decrease your calories, maintaining or even increasing your protein can spare you tons of headaches in the future.

If you want personalized 1:1 help with calculating your macros, breaking out of fitness ruts, and building a body composition that lasts for the long haul, apply to become a WarriorBabe here!

8 min read

3 Ways to Break Out of a Rut on Your Fitness Journey

Ruts are normal, but they don’t have to stick. You can break free, and it often doesn’t take much to get started! Let’s take a look at 3 of the best ways to do it...

1. Revisit your roots

We all forget why we started sometimes — it’s normal. It’s even healthy — when we look back on the beginning of the journey, we realize how far we’ve come and whether we’re still aligned with our intentions. Ask how your goals and priorities have changed, and get super clear on what drives them. Then you can look at your current trajectory and see where you’ve been consistent (and where you haven’t). This makes it much simpler to find your motivation again and press forward with more excitement and energy than you’ve had in ages!

2. Shake up your routine

Sometimes we just need a good refresh. Try some new exercises that still support your goals. Exercise at a different time of day, or change up your weekly workout schedule. Master some new recipes. Or if you’ve been trying to do too much, rely on a few more store-bought healthy food options. This doesn’t have to be complicated — sometimes too much consistency can lead to stagnation. We don’t always need to push through or step back completely... Sometimes you’re doing the right stuff, but you just need to spice it up enough to keep it interesting. Small tweaks often work wonders for motivation!

3. Re-calculate your macros

A rut in your journey can also be a sign that you’ve kept the same macros for too long. It might be time to eat more and build some additional muscle — or go into a cut if your body composition is stable and you want to lose more fat. This takes some experience and intuition to do correctly, but you’d be amazed how many common issues are fixable through simple tweaks to your food! The most important thing is getting enough protein for your goals; if you do decide to decrease your calories, maintaining or even increasing your protein can spare you tons of headaches in the future.

If you want personalized 1:1 help with calculating your macros, breaking out of fitness ruts, and building a body composition that lasts for the long haul, apply to become a WarriorBabe here!

How to Stay Consistent on Your Fitness Journey

How to Stay Consistent on Your Fitness Journey

Consistency isn’t easy — between food temptations, finding time, and life’s inevitable bumps in the road, there are endless setbacks waiting for us. Let’s explore 3 simple ways to reclaim your consistency, make the journey more sustainable, and stay on track toward your goals!

1. Pre-plan

One of the simplest antidotes to setbacks is to see them coming from a mile away. You can’t plan for getting sick, but you can anticipate how you need to tweak your macros while you recover. You can’t know that you’ll have no energy on a random Tuesday, but you can plan your workouts around your body’s natural rhythms. You never know when a friend will call to make last-minute dinner plans, but you can plan out your macros a day ahead of time and still make choices that support your goals.

Life is fullest when there’s spontaneity, but knowing your options in advance will ensure you have less room for error when stuff comes up!

2. Know your end goal

The journey will never feel like it’s worth it if you don’t know what you’re aiming for. Better health is a great pursuit. Losing 30 pounds can be, too. But if you don’t know what you want life to look like on the other end, or if you don’t have a good reason to get there, you’ll burn out long before you get there. Clarity lowers resistance. Drive motivates action. Keep your deepest reasons for building your ideal body composition front and center — you’ll find it much easier to stay the course and build an amazing body!

3. Control your time frames

Setting big goals is great, but only if you allow yourself an appropriate amount of time. If you want to lose some serious weight within a month, it’s tough to do it without making serious sacrifices in your health (and even then, it might be impossible). If you want to give yourself faster targets, great; just break your bigger goals into milestones. Every goal you don’t hit has the potential to discourage you, so position goals outside your comfort zone but ensure they’re still within your ability to control! To stay consistent, give yourself every advantage — and allow yourself a bit of grace.

If you want personalized 1:1 help with building your own fitness plan and a body composition that lasts for the long haul, apply to become a WarriorBabe here!

8 min read

How to Stay Consistent on Your Fitness Journey

Consistency isn’t easy — between food temptations, finding time, and life’s inevitable bumps in the road, there are endless setbacks waiting for us. Let’s explore 3 simple ways to reclaim your consistency, make the journey more sustainable, and stay on track toward your goals!

1. Pre-plan

One of the simplest antidotes to setbacks is to see them coming from a mile away. You can’t plan for getting sick, but you can anticipate how you need to tweak your macros while you recover. You can’t know that you’ll have no energy on a random Tuesday, but you can plan your workouts around your body’s natural rhythms. You never know when a friend will call to make last-minute dinner plans, but you can plan out your macros a day ahead of time and still make choices that support your goals.

Life is fullest when there’s spontaneity, but knowing your options in advance will ensure you have less room for error when stuff comes up!

2. Know your end goal

The journey will never feel like it’s worth it if you don’t know what you’re aiming for. Better health is a great pursuit. Losing 30 pounds can be, too. But if you don’t know what you want life to look like on the other end, or if you don’t have a good reason to get there, you’ll burn out long before you get there. Clarity lowers resistance. Drive motivates action. Keep your deepest reasons for building your ideal body composition front and center — you’ll find it much easier to stay the course and build an amazing body!

3. Control your time frames

Setting big goals is great, but only if you allow yourself an appropriate amount of time. If you want to lose some serious weight within a month, it’s tough to do it without making serious sacrifices in your health (and even then, it might be impossible). If you want to give yourself faster targets, great; just break your bigger goals into milestones. Every goal you don’t hit has the potential to discourage you, so position goals outside your comfort zone but ensure they’re still within your ability to control! To stay consistent, give yourself every advantage — and allow yourself a bit of grace.

If you want personalized 1:1 help with building your own fitness plan and a body composition that lasts for the long haul, apply to become a WarriorBabe here!

3 Steps to Setting Powerful New Year’s Resolutions

3 Steps to Setting Powerful New Year’s Resolutions

Most people wing it when setting their resolutions — but not YOU. You want to see results and you’re determined to follow through... Isn’t that why you’re here, after all? Now let’s dive into how to do it!

1. Concrete

It’s not enough to want to ‘lose weight’ or ‘gain muscle’. Vague goals create vague results! The more specific you can be, the better (which clothes you want to fit into, how much definition you want to see, how many pounds you want to drop in fat or gain in muscle, etc.). Your brain does its best work when it has concrete objectives, because clearer intentions lead to clearer action steps. And those actions are what ultimately create the results you want! Speaking of...

2. Actionable

Every goal must be translated into specific action steps to take shape. Whether you’re in a cut phase, build phase, or maintaining your macros to drop fat and build muscle gradually, that won’t happen unless you know what steps to take to get there. Otherwise, your strategy is built on hope — not what actually works! To bridge the gap, turn each outcome-based goal into an input-based one. Want to lose 10 lbs? Your ‘inputs’ might be 4 strength and 2 cardio workouts a week, with a slight reduction in daily calories (or an increase in calories if you’ve been undereating). This may take some trial and error on your own, but a macronutrient & fitness coach can help with that!

3. Realistic

Over the span of years, you should absolutely set the biggest, most audacious goals you want to achieve — but when it comes to your goals for this year or the first few months, it’s better to keep it real. Within a few years you can absolutely build a dream body composition that’s relatively easy to keep, but a few months of focused effort might not yield the final result you want. That’s okay! Know that lasting fitness takes time but is very doable — though it does require you to have a clear idea of what’s reasonable in the short term so you can achieve unreasonable results in the long term.

If you want personalized 1:1 help with building your own fitness plan and a body composition that lasts for the long haul, apply to become a WarriorBabe here!

8 min read

3 Steps to Setting Powerful New Year’s Resolutions

Most people wing it when setting their resolutions — but not YOU. You want to see results and you’re determined to follow through... Isn’t that why you’re here, after all? Now let’s dive into how to do it!

1. Concrete

It’s not enough to want to ‘lose weight’ or ‘gain muscle’. Vague goals create vague results! The more specific you can be, the better (which clothes you want to fit into, how much definition you want to see, how many pounds you want to drop in fat or gain in muscle, etc.). Your brain does its best work when it has concrete objectives, because clearer intentions lead to clearer action steps. And those actions are what ultimately create the results you want! Speaking of...

2. Actionable

Every goal must be translated into specific action steps to take shape. Whether you’re in a cut phase, build phase, or maintaining your macros to drop fat and build muscle gradually, that won’t happen unless you know what steps to take to get there. Otherwise, your strategy is built on hope — not what actually works! To bridge the gap, turn each outcome-based goal into an input-based one. Want to lose 10 lbs? Your ‘inputs’ might be 4 strength and 2 cardio workouts a week, with a slight reduction in daily calories (or an increase in calories if you’ve been undereating). This may take some trial and error on your own, but a macronutrient & fitness coach can help with that!

3. Realistic

Over the span of years, you should absolutely set the biggest, most audacious goals you want to achieve — but when it comes to your goals for this year or the first few months, it’s better to keep it real. Within a few years you can absolutely build a dream body composition that’s relatively easy to keep, but a few months of focused effort might not yield the final result you want. That’s okay! Know that lasting fitness takes time but is very doable — though it does require you to have a clear idea of what’s reasonable in the short term so you can achieve unreasonable results in the long term.

If you want personalized 1:1 help with building your own fitness plan and a body composition that lasts for the long haul, apply to become a WarriorBabe here!

How To Get Toned While Enjoying Carbs Guilt-Free

How To Get Toned While Enjoying Carbs Guilt-Free

Simple vs. complex carbs

Carbs are not all created equal, and this is especially true of the distinction between simple and complex carbs. Simple carbs are the ones that are broken down the fastest — sweets, fruits, etc. (dried mangoes are one of my FAVORITES). Complex carbs, on the other hand, take longer to digest and are found in sources like wheat, potatoes and other starches. I generally shoot for 90% complex and 10% simple in a given day, and the time of day matters here, as you’ll see shortly…

Simple vs. complex carbs

Diversify your carb sources

Macronutrients are the core of our focus at WarriorBabe, but that doesn’t mean micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.) are any less important. There are tons of different carb sources to choose from, and each has a different blend of nutrients our bodies need to thrive. By varying up your meals and incorporating different carbohydrates, you’ll be able to have more energy and vitality you can put toward your workouts and life in general!

Diversify your carb sources

ALWAYS eat carbs before and after workouts

This is one of the most common mistakes I notice from women who are regularly doing strength training but not seeing the results they want. Carbs are the fuel your body looks for first during workouts — without its chosen fuel, it pulls from your muscle stores instead… which is NOT what you want. Always have carbs before your workouts (around 30 minutes for simple carbs, about 90 for complex) and follow up with more when you’re done!Follow what you read here and you’ll be ahead of the vast majority of women following macronutrient plans… but the best thing you can have is nutritional and workout guidance from expert coaches along with resources like specialized macro calculators and nutrient breakdowns for tons of the most common food sources available. To get all of this and more…

ALWAYS eat carbs before and after workouts

8 min read

How To Get Toned While Enjoying Carbs Guilt-Free

Simple vs. complex carbs

Carbs are not all created equal, and this is especially true of the distinction between simple and complex carbs. Simple carbs are the ones that are broken down the fastest — sweets, fruits, etc. (dried mangoes are one of my FAVORITES). Complex carbs, on the other hand, take longer to digest and are found in sources like wheat, potatoes and other starches. I generally shoot for 90% complex and 10% simple in a given day, and the time of day matters here, as you’ll see shortly…

Simple vs. complex carbs

Diversify your carb sources

Macronutrients are the core of our focus at WarriorBabe, but that doesn’t mean micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.) are any less important. There are tons of different carb sources to choose from, and each has a different blend of nutrients our bodies need to thrive. By varying up your meals and incorporating different carbohydrates, you’ll be able to have more energy and vitality you can put toward your workouts and life in general!

Diversify your carb sources

ALWAYS eat carbs before and after workouts

This is one of the most common mistakes I notice from women who are regularly doing strength training but not seeing the results they want. Carbs are the fuel your body looks for first during workouts — without its chosen fuel, it pulls from your muscle stores instead… which is NOT what you want. Always have carbs before your workouts (around 30 minutes for simple carbs, about 90 for complex) and follow up with more when you’re done!Follow what you read here and you’ll be ahead of the vast majority of women following macronutrient plans… but the best thing you can have is nutritional and workout guidance from expert coaches along with resources like specialized macro calculators and nutrient breakdowns for tons of the most common food sources available. To get all of this and more…

ALWAYS eat carbs before and after workouts
3 Simple Steps To Effective Meal Planning

So You Can Make Quick And Tasty Meals Without Long Hours Or Complicated Charts!

Start with “easy” meals

Every meal plan should include some no-brainer dishes that you can make or even assemble in your sleep. Adding these in first creates momentum and allows you to write off a significant chunk of your week before you get into more complicated meals — or if you like, you can even stop at this step and give yourself an easy week! Don’t be afraid of “easy”; the faster it gets done, the more likely it is you’ll sustain solid eating habits without feeling like you’re constantly in crunch mode. No need to feel guilty as long as it works for you!

Start with “easy” meals

Get your fats under control

Fats (even good ones) build up quickly in our diets if we’re not careful — many foods naturally contain oils and fatty acids that can knock you off your macros quickly. A simple way to address this is to pepper some “quick win” foods into your diet like nonfat Greek yogurt that predominantly consist of protein or carbs. If you remove enough “accidental” fats, you can start deliberately adding back in high quality fats to round out your macros. This is a great position to be in and it allows you to have more freedom with your core meals.

Get your fats under control

Diversify your meals

At first, it might seem like variety will make the process take longer, but the opposite is often true. There are only so many varieties of sandwiches or pastas you can make, so don’t be afraid to try out something outside of your comfort zone! This adds a little time for research, but over time it will be much easier to generate meal ideas quickly as you have more options. Plus, meal diversity = nutrient diversity, which is essential for building a healthy body that responds to training and allows you to build the physique you want!Want more guidance on which foods to include in your diet and building a sustainable approach to nutrition? We’ve helped thousands of women get toned eating foods they love and exercising sustainably with a lifelong plan, not another 6-week fad diet that never works. To enroll in a program that allows you to create the body and life you truly want…

Diversify your meals

8 min read

So You Can Make Quick And Tasty Meals Without Long Hours Or Complicated Charts!

Start with “easy” meals

Every meal plan should include some no-brainer dishes that you can make or even assemble in your sleep. Adding these in first creates momentum and allows you to write off a significant chunk of your week before you get into more complicated meals — or if you like, you can even stop at this step and give yourself an easy week! Don’t be afraid of “easy”; the faster it gets done, the more likely it is you’ll sustain solid eating habits without feeling like you’re constantly in crunch mode. No need to feel guilty as long as it works for you!

Start with “easy” meals

Get your fats under control

Fats (even good ones) build up quickly in our diets if we’re not careful — many foods naturally contain oils and fatty acids that can knock you off your macros quickly. A simple way to address this is to pepper some “quick win” foods into your diet like nonfat Greek yogurt that predominantly consist of protein or carbs. If you remove enough “accidental” fats, you can start deliberately adding back in high quality fats to round out your macros. This is a great position to be in and it allows you to have more freedom with your core meals.

Get your fats under control

Diversify your meals

At first, it might seem like variety will make the process take longer, but the opposite is often true. There are only so many varieties of sandwiches or pastas you can make, so don’t be afraid to try out something outside of your comfort zone! This adds a little time for research, but over time it will be much easier to generate meal ideas quickly as you have more options. Plus, meal diversity = nutrient diversity, which is essential for building a healthy body that responds to training and allows you to build the physique you want!Want more guidance on which foods to include in your diet and building a sustainable approach to nutrition? We’ve helped thousands of women get toned eating foods they love and exercising sustainably with a lifelong plan, not another 6-week fad diet that never works. To enroll in a program that allows you to create the body and life you truly want…

Diversify your meals
The RIGHT Way To Do Cardio

Without Overworking Yourself Or Being Locked Into Exercises You Hate

More sessions, not longer ones

If you want to increase your cardio and it’s actually going to help you move toward your goals (i.e. you’re not overdoing it), don’t just extend your sessions — you’ll benefit more from distributing it more evenly over extra sessions. This helps mitigate against fatigue as long cardio workouts drain a ton of energy. By distributing the same total amount of cardio across more days of the week, you’ll typically notice more consistent energy levels and be able to enjoy life more in general! So don’t be tempted to go through it all at once.

More sessions, not longer ones

Set a step goal

I tell all my babes to get in 10,000-12,000 steps every day. This ensures they get in a solid amount of cardio and keep moving for a solid portion of the day without it becoming excessive. Walking is a great way to achieve this if you don’t enjoy intense cardio, and it has the added benefit of being low-impact, so you’re way less likely to sustain injuries than would from running. You don’t have to go super hard in your cardio sessions — save the most intense work for strength training where you can really feel the benefits!

Set a step goal

Never do cardio before strength training

Doing cardio right before you start a strength workout rapidly depletes your energy and glycogen stores, leaving you with no gas left in the tank when you get into the heavy stuff! This forces your rep count and the weight you can handle to plummet, reducing your lean muscle gains. If you do them around the same time, always do cardio second —save your energy for strength training, when it’s most important. This change alone will ratchet up your gains and move you closer to the body composition you want!We’ve helped thousands of women get toned without excessive cardio, allowing them to enjoy life more fully while building a body composition they love — if you want to join a program that helps you tone up sustainably while loving the process…

Never do cardio before strength training

8 min read

Without Overworking Yourself Or Being Locked Into Exercises You Hate

More sessions, not longer ones

If you want to increase your cardio and it’s actually going to help you move toward your goals (i.e. you’re not overdoing it), don’t just extend your sessions — you’ll benefit more from distributing it more evenly over extra sessions. This helps mitigate against fatigue as long cardio workouts drain a ton of energy. By distributing the same total amount of cardio across more days of the week, you’ll typically notice more consistent energy levels and be able to enjoy life more in general! So don’t be tempted to go through it all at once.

More sessions, not longer ones

Set a step goal

I tell all my babes to get in 10,000-12,000 steps every day. This ensures they get in a solid amount of cardio and keep moving for a solid portion of the day without it becoming excessive. Walking is a great way to achieve this if you don’t enjoy intense cardio, and it has the added benefit of being low-impact, so you’re way less likely to sustain injuries than would from running. You don’t have to go super hard in your cardio sessions — save the most intense work for strength training where you can really feel the benefits!

Set a step goal

Never do cardio before strength training

Doing cardio right before you start a strength workout rapidly depletes your energy and glycogen stores, leaving you with no gas left in the tank when you get into the heavy stuff! This forces your rep count and the weight you can handle to plummet, reducing your lean muscle gains. If you do them around the same time, always do cardio second —save your energy for strength training, when it’s most important. This change alone will ratchet up your gains and move you closer to the body composition you want!We’ve helped thousands of women get toned without excessive cardio, allowing them to enjoy life more fully while building a body composition they love — if you want to join a program that helps you tone up sustainably while loving the process…

Never do cardio before strength training
The #1 Toning Progress Killer Hidden In Restrictive Diets…

How Companies Keep Women Hooked Even Without Seeing Results!

The fitness industry has a dark secret hidden behind promises of quick-fix results and unattainable goals.It keeps women jumping from diet to diet, always starting something new and then bouncing back, even when they know deep down that nothing is going to change.The end result is that you can try going on keto, low-fat, intermittent fasting, whatever the latest trend is… And still be pulled into yet another program making the same promises, using a different type of restriction.Typically, it also comes with the promise of absurdly fast results, and it’s so cleverly designed that even if you never see lasting results after doing everything right, it’s nearly impossible to resist coming back over and trying again…No matter how frustrating or difficult it becomes!These companies pull women in by using complicated systems that only work under extremely specific circumstances.Keto is a perfect example: Ketosis only kicks in when carbs are almost completely absent from your body… And at the moment you reintroduce carbs to your diet, this fat-burning mechanism grinds to a halt.Intermittent fasting relies on avoiding all food except for within a very specific window of time. But outside of that time, you may be constantly battling hunger and fatigue until you’re even allowed a snack.While some women have the time and willpower to get everything absolutely perfect, this lifestyle isn’t realistic for the vast majority of women. Plus, it’ll make you miserable faster than you can say “low cal”!If you understand this secret and how it’s designed to keep you hooked on programs that never work, you can take back control and turn the tables on these unrealistic and unsustainable diets forever.I can attest to this… I was on brutally restrictive plans in my competition days, and once I discovered why I could never see the results I wanted unless I put my body through hell, everything clicked into place.Since then and for the past 7 years, I’ve worked out about 3-5 days a week, eating a sustainable and enjoyable diet that allows me to stay toned year-round without the ups and downs most nutrition plans are infamous for.I’ve never looked back since. Restrictive diets don’t work, plain and simple — look at what happens with those “success stories” months or years later and that will be abundantly clear.I can show you the same step-by-step process over 8,138 women have used and continue to use right now to make and KEEP progress they never found with any restrictive diets!

8 min read

How Companies Keep Women Hooked Even Without Seeing Results!

The fitness industry has a dark secret hidden behind promises of quick-fix results and unattainable goals.It keeps women jumping from diet to diet, always starting something new and then bouncing back, even when they know deep down that nothing is going to change.The end result is that you can try going on keto, low-fat, intermittent fasting, whatever the latest trend is… And still be pulled into yet another program making the same promises, using a different type of restriction.Typically, it also comes with the promise of absurdly fast results, and it’s so cleverly designed that even if you never see lasting results after doing everything right, it’s nearly impossible to resist coming back over and trying again…No matter how frustrating or difficult it becomes!These companies pull women in by using complicated systems that only work under extremely specific circumstances.Keto is a perfect example: Ketosis only kicks in when carbs are almost completely absent from your body… And at the moment you reintroduce carbs to your diet, this fat-burning mechanism grinds to a halt.Intermittent fasting relies on avoiding all food except for within a very specific window of time. But outside of that time, you may be constantly battling hunger and fatigue until you’re even allowed a snack.While some women have the time and willpower to get everything absolutely perfect, this lifestyle isn’t realistic for the vast majority of women. Plus, it’ll make you miserable faster than you can say “low cal”!If you understand this secret and how it’s designed to keep you hooked on programs that never work, you can take back control and turn the tables on these unrealistic and unsustainable diets forever.I can attest to this… I was on brutally restrictive plans in my competition days, and once I discovered why I could never see the results I wanted unless I put my body through hell, everything clicked into place.Since then and for the past 7 years, I’ve worked out about 3-5 days a week, eating a sustainable and enjoyable diet that allows me to stay toned year-round without the ups and downs most nutrition plans are infamous for.I’ve never looked back since. Restrictive diets don’t work, plain and simple — look at what happens with those “success stories” months or years later and that will be abundantly clear.I can show you the same step-by-step process over 8,138 women have used and continue to use right now to make and KEEP progress they never found with any restrictive diets!

Are You Making The “Big 3” Protein Mistakes?

The biggest traps women fall into with protein and how to avoid them at all costs!

Not checking for fat content

Most protein sources have fat content — sometimes as much or more as the protein itself. Plus, fat has more than twice the calories per gram that protein does! That’s why you’ll see recipes that call for egg whites instead of whole eggs, but the same principle can even apply to meats where there isn’t visible fat. For example, chicken breasts are much leaner than legs. Be sure to check the fat content on protein sources when you buy them and either change up what you buy or factor the non-protein macros into your daily numbers!

Not checking for fat content

Eating incomplete proteins

You can absolutely build the body composition you want on a plant-based diet, and we even have coaches at WarriorBabe that specialize in exactly that. However, don’t go completely off of nutrition facts and assume that the amount of protein listed is what you’re getting! That protein needs to have all 9 essential amino acids to be useful to the body, whether that means getting it from a complete source like soy or combining two foods that have complementary amino acids, such as rice and certain types of beans.

Eating incomplete proteins

“Batching” your protein intake

Once you know your ideal daily protein intake, don’t just focus on the number — how you distribute it throughout the day is so important. The human body can’t process a full day’s worth of protein at once! For example, eating a low-protein breakfast and lunch followed by a protein-heavy dinner will not give you the same results as splitting the same amount equally across several smaller meals. Gradual absorption throughout the day is key to making the most out of your protein intake!It can be a struggle to consistently get quality protein sources in your diet, but you don’t have to figure out your macros alone — by becoming a WarriorBabe, you gain access to all the resources, coaching, and feedback you need to achieve balanced nutrition that enables you to build the body and lifestyle you want!

“Batching” your protein intake

8 min read

The biggest traps women fall into with protein and how to avoid them at all costs!

Not checking for fat content

Most protein sources have fat content — sometimes as much or more as the protein itself. Plus, fat has more than twice the calories per gram that protein does! That’s why you’ll see recipes that call for egg whites instead of whole eggs, but the same principle can even apply to meats where there isn’t visible fat. For example, chicken breasts are much leaner than legs. Be sure to check the fat content on protein sources when you buy them and either change up what you buy or factor the non-protein macros into your daily numbers!

Not checking for fat content

Eating incomplete proteins

You can absolutely build the body composition you want on a plant-based diet, and we even have coaches at WarriorBabe that specialize in exactly that. However, don’t go completely off of nutrition facts and assume that the amount of protein listed is what you’re getting! That protein needs to have all 9 essential amino acids to be useful to the body, whether that means getting it from a complete source like soy or combining two foods that have complementary amino acids, such as rice and certain types of beans.

Eating incomplete proteins

“Batching” your protein intake

Once you know your ideal daily protein intake, don’t just focus on the number — how you distribute it throughout the day is so important. The human body can’t process a full day’s worth of protein at once! For example, eating a low-protein breakfast and lunch followed by a protein-heavy dinner will not give you the same results as splitting the same amount equally across several smaller meals. Gradual absorption throughout the day is key to making the most out of your protein intake!It can be a struggle to consistently get quality protein sources in your diet, but you don’t have to figure out your macros alone — by becoming a WarriorBabe, you gain access to all the resources, coaching, and feedback you need to achieve balanced nutrition that enables you to build the body and lifestyle you want!

“Batching” your protein intake
The #1 Key To Toning After Menopause

How To Build The Body Composition You’ve Always Wanted When Nothing Else Works

How often have you wondered why it’s so much harder to get toned after menopause…Why nothing that you used to swear by seems to work anymore?There’s a simple reason why no matter how little you eat or how much exercise you push yourself through, it’s nearly impossible make your body budge:Those massive hormone shifts during and after menopause.Women experience a significant drop in the production of several hormones responsible for:

  • Strong & healthy bones
  • Mood regulation
  • Brainpower & memory
  • Muscle building & retention
  • Concentration
  • Energy levels
  • Sleep

This creates a huge void that must be filled in order for you to retake control.The primary way you can do it is through nutrition…And your ideal macronutrient numbers will be different than they were before menopause.In order to support the healthy production of the hormones that help develop your body composition…You need to eat fewer carbs and more fats.To be clear:This is specifically during and post-menopause — until that time, your primary energy source should likely be carbs (although this depends on your specific macro numbers).Why the increase in fats?Because hormones are primarily made up of fats, and without enough at its disposal, your body simply cannot deliver the lean definition you’re looking for.So that said… How much fat do you need, and by how much should you reduce your carb intake?That’s an excellent question — the answer is different for every woman based on her unique body and goals…And it’s incredibly challenging to answer and act on without help.If you want help building a simple, easy-to-follow plan that allows you to eat the foods you love while building a body composition you’ve always dreamed of…

8 min read

How To Build The Body Composition You’ve Always Wanted When Nothing Else Works

How often have you wondered why it’s so much harder to get toned after menopause…Why nothing that you used to swear by seems to work anymore?There’s a simple reason why no matter how little you eat or how much exercise you push yourself through, it’s nearly impossible make your body budge:Those massive hormone shifts during and after menopause.Women experience a significant drop in the production of several hormones responsible for:

  • Strong & healthy bones
  • Mood regulation
  • Brainpower & memory
  • Muscle building & retention
  • Concentration
  • Energy levels
  • Sleep

This creates a huge void that must be filled in order for you to retake control.The primary way you can do it is through nutrition…And your ideal macronutrient numbers will be different than they were before menopause.In order to support the healthy production of the hormones that help develop your body composition…You need to eat fewer carbs and more fats.To be clear:This is specifically during and post-menopause — until that time, your primary energy source should likely be carbs (although this depends on your specific macro numbers).Why the increase in fats?Because hormones are primarily made up of fats, and without enough at its disposal, your body simply cannot deliver the lean definition you’re looking for.So that said… How much fat do you need, and by how much should you reduce your carb intake?That’s an excellent question — the answer is different for every woman based on her unique body and goals…And it’s incredibly challenging to answer and act on without help.If you want help building a simple, easy-to-follow plan that allows you to eat the foods you love while building a body composition you’ve always dreamed of…


How Jean Transformed Her Body at 75 Years Old | Ep. 226

Video Description

In this episode of The Macro Hour, Nikkiey Stott is joined by Jean Rogers, a 75-year-old WarriorBabe who has completely transformed her health and fitness journey. After struggling with weight gain and other factors since menopause, Jean decided she had enough and took control of her health. Through WarriorBabe, she found a sustainable approach that fit her lifestyle, giving her more energy, confidence, and true food freedom by learning macros.

Jean’s journey hasn’t been without challenges—she even underwent a hip replacement while in the program but, with the support of her coach, came out even stronger than before. More than anything, Jean’s motivation is to stay active and vibrant so she can continue making memories with her grandchildren. Her story is a powerful testament that it’s never too late to make a change, prioritize your health, and thrive at any age. Tune in for an inspiring conversation about resilience, transformation, and the power of sustainable habits.

The Tough Love You Need to Stay on Track in 2025 | Ep. 225

Video Description

We’re two weeks into the new year, and it’s time to get real. Are you sticking to your goals, or have you already started to slip? In this episode of The Macro Hour, Nikkiey Stott gives you the tough love you need to assess your progress, refocus your energy, and reignite your commitment to your health and fitness goals. Whether you’ve been consistent or need to get back on track, you’ll walk away with actionable strategies to keep moving forward—because it’s not about perfection, it’s about persistence. This is your wake-up call to stay on track and make 2024 your year.

How I Recovered, Ate More, Learned Macros & Thrived Over 50! | WarriorBabe Interview Leynise Bible

Leynise Bible has spent most of her life with a go go go mentality as a former athlete, but after facing knee surgery and the lingering effects of Long COVID, she found herself needing a new approach to her health. That’s when she turned to WB.Through WB, Leynise discovered the power of fueling her body with macros and gained a deeper understanding of how movement, nutrition, and recovery are all interconnected. She learned to slow down, heal her body through intentional movement, and focus on properly nourishing herself after years of under-eating.Now, Leynise is thriving in ways she never imagined. Her journey is proof that it’s never too late to prioritize your health, recover from life’s challenges, and feel stronger than ever.

How She Lost Belly Fat at 75 Years Young! | WarriorBabe Interview

Meet Jean, a 75-year-old who transformed her health and shed belly fat—all without setting foot in a gym! In this inspiring video, Jean shares the simple, effective steps she took to stay active, eat mindfully, and stay motivated.

Manifestation Mastery: Align, Heal, and Create the Life You Deserve w/ Candace Tranter | Ep. 224

Video Description

In this episode of The Macro Hour, Nikkiey Stott sits down with Candace Tranter, an Integrative Energy Healer and Elite Performance Coach with over 23 years of experience in guiding individuals and couples toward profound personal transformation. Candace shares her expertise, offering insights into overcoming manifestation struggles, regulating the nervous system, and creating lasting change.

Together, they explore why manifestation often feels challenging, how stress and subconscious patterns hold us back, and the transformative power of aligning mind, body, and energy. Whether you’re new to energy work or looking to deepen your practice, this episode will inspire you to unlock your full potential and create the life you desire.

How to Find Your Self-Worth | Ep. 223

Video Description

In this episode of The Macro Hour, Nikkiey Stott dives into the powerful topic of finding and reclaiming your self-worth. She explores the importance of stepping into the version of yourself that already knows your value and breaks down the pitfalls of tying confidence and worthiness to external factors. Nikkiey shares actionable steps like flipping your narrative to honor yourself, celebrating your progress, keeping promises to yourself, and visualizing your higher self daily. She also touches on how WarriorBabe coaches are uniquely equipped to support this transformative journey. Tune in for an inspiring and empowering conversation designed to help you embrace your worth and step into your best self.

How to Fix Your Sleep w/Dr. Peter Martone | Ep. 222

Video Description

In this episode of The Macro Hour, Nikkiey Stott sits down with Dr. Peter Martone, a sleep specialist and wellness expert with over 25 years of experience improving people’s biomechanics. Dr. Martone shares his insights on optimizing health through proper posture, sleep alignment, and foundational habits to help you achieve significantly better sleep. They discuss the overall importance of sleep, how structural alignment impacts your health, and practical tips to start improving your rest and recovery today. Tune in for an enlightening conversation that highlights why sleep is the cornerstone of a healthy and vibrant life.

How to Get Ripped at 51 w/Alicia Erickson | Ep. 221

Video Description

In this episode of The Macro Hour, Nikkiey Stott sits down with Alicia Erickson, also known as The Midlife Maven, who transformed her health and fitness journey at 51, proving that midlife can be a powerful new beginning. After 13 years as a portrait photographer, Alicia found her passion in empowering women to embrace their strength and vitality through strength training and nutrition. She shares her incredible story, the mindset shifts that helped her thrive, and practical lessons for anyone ready to take charge of their health. This conversation is a testament to the possibilities that await in midlife and beyond—don’t miss it.

Align Your 2025 Goals with Your Higher Self | Ep. 220

Video Description

In this episode of The Macro Hour, Nikkiey Stott dives into how to tap into the most empowered, confident version of yourself to carry you forward into the new year. With New Year’s Eve just around the corner, this episode focuses on aligning your goals with the future self you’re stepping into—the person you aspire to become. Explore how the connection, vision, and feeling of your most empowered self can serve as a guide to achieving your goals. Let 2025 be the year you take control, align with your potential, and step fully into the version of yourself you’ve always envisioned. Tune in for a powerful and inspiring conversation to help you start the new year on the right track.


Building Resilience and Confidence w/ Jennifer Joy Jimenez | Ep. 212

Episode Description

In this episode of The Macro Hour, Nikkiey Stott is joined by Jennifer Joy Jimenez, a renowned wellness coach and motivational speaker, to explore the intersection of resilience, self-confidence, and holistic health. Jennifer shares her insights on how mindset and emotional well-being play a critical role in achieving lasting health transformations. Together, we discuss practical strategies for overcoming self-doubt, building inner strength, and creating a balanced approach to fitness and nutrition. If you’re ready to level up your mindset and embrace your power, this conversation is packed with inspiration and actionable advice to help you thrive.

Finding Strength and Wellness with Janet Smith | Ep. 206

Episode Description

In this episode, Nikkiey Stott sits down with Janet Smith, an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT) and nationally certified group fitness instructor, who is on a mission to inspire women to stay active as they age. Janet shares her personal journey of blending her educational expertise with her passion for fitness, candidly discussing her struggles with nutrition and fitness. Through resilience and a positive mindset, she transformed her life and now empowers others to do the same.Together, Nikkiey and Janet explore the challenges of perimenopause, including Janet’s symptoms, her experience with hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and the importance of finding what works best for your body. This episode is packed with valuable insights on embracing change and maintaining a positive approach to health and wellness.

The Big NOs in Fitness and What to Avoid | Ep. 213

Episode Description

In this episode of The Macro Hour, Nikkiey Stott dives into the big NOs in the fitness world, breaking down common pitfalls and misconceptions that can hinder your progress. From the quick-fix mentality to overtraining and other common mistakes, Nikkiey highlights the errors many make and how to avoid them. Whether you're just starting your journey or looking to fine-tune your routine, this episode provides clarity on what not to do and offers actionable tips to help you focus on what truly works. Tune in to learn how to navigate the noise, avoid unnecessary setbacks, and make smarter choices for lasting results.

How Nutrition Speeds Up Injury Healing | Ep. 205

Episode Description

In this episode Nikkiey Stott dives into the critical role of nutrition in injury recovery. She breaks down the essential nutrients that aid in healing—like protein for muscle repair, omega-3s for inflammation control, and antioxidants for cellular protection. Learn which foods to prioritize, which to avoid, and practical tips for staying on track during your downtime. Whether you’re dealing with a minor setback or a major injury, this episode offers a comprehensive guide to fueling your body for a faster, stronger recovery.

How to Align Your Training with Your Menstrual Cycle | Ep. 204

Episode Description

In this episode Nikkiey Stott explores some benefits of cycle syncing your workouts — aligning your training with the phases of your menstrual cycle. She breaks down each phase, from the menstrual phase to ovulation and beyond, diving into how hormone fluctuations impact energy, strength, and recovery. Learn how to adjust your workouts to work with your body, boosting performance, enhancing results, and feeling your best throughout the month. Whether you’re new to cycle syncing or looking to fine-tune your routine, this episode offers practical tips to help you optimize your fitness journey.

Why Shifting Your Identity is the Key to Becoming Unstoppable w/ Mike Milner | Ep. 203

Episode Description

In this special episode of The Macro Hour, Nikkiey Stott interviews nutrition expert Mike Milner (again!) to explore the psychology behind creating lasting change through identity shifts. Mike shares his insights on why most fitness and nutrition plans fail to stick and how aligning your actions with a new identity is the missing piece. We dive into practical strategies for shifting your self-image, breaking limiting beliefs, and adopting a mindset that fuels your success. If you’re ready to stop relying on motivation and start building a sustainable lifestyle, this conversation is packed with game-changing insights you won’t want to miss.

How Your Mind Shapes Your Fitness Success | Ep. 191

Episode Description

In this episode of The Macro Hour, Nikkiey Stott dives into the powerful connection between your thoughts, emotions, and fitness results. Drawing on concepts from Dr. Joe Dispenza, she explores how your mindset directly impacts your ability to achieve body composition goals like building muscle and getting toned.Learn how to reprogram your mind, shift your emotions, and use techniques like visualization and positive affirmations to fuel your fitness journey. Whether you’re focusing on strength training or dialing in your nutrition, this episode will show you how mastering your mindset is the key to long-term success.

5 Key Strategies To Bounce Back After Travel | Ep. 183

Episode Description

In this episode of The Macro Hour, Nikkiey Stott shares five essential strategies to help you get back on track after a trip. Whether you've been on vacation, traveling for work, or just out of your regular routine, it can be challenging to regain your momentum and return to your fitness and nutrition habits.We’ll cover practical tips on how to reset your schedule, jumpstart your workouts, and refocus your nutrition goals so you can seamlessly transition back into your routine. Learn how to avoid common post-travel pitfalls and set yourself up for success as you settle back into your daily life.Tune in to discover how to reclaim your routine and keep your progress on track, no matter how disruptive travel may have been.

How Lifting Weights Boosts Mental Health | Ep. 182

Episode Description

In this episode of The Macro Hour, Nikkiey Stott uncovers the powerful connection between strength training and mental health. While lifting weights is often associated with building muscle and physical fitness, it also has profound benefits for your mind. Discover how strength training can reduce anxiety, improve mood, and build mental resilience.She will dive into the science behind these benefits, share personal stories of transformation, and provide practical tips for incorporating strength training into your mental health routine. Whether you’re new to the gym or a seasoned lifter, this episode will inspire you to view your workouts as not just a path to physical strength, but also a tool for mental empowerment.Tune in to learn how to harness the mental health benefits of strength training and start lifting yourself up in more ways than one.

Begin Your Journey To A Stronger, Healthier You

Uncover what’s holding you back from getting toned & feeling confident in your skin!